Big Mushy Happy Lump (Sarah’s Scribble’s #2)


Sarah Andersen's second comics collection picks up right where the first left off - huddled under a pile of blankets avoiding the responsibilities of the real world. These new comics (and illustrated personal essays!) follow the ups and downs of the unrelenting self-esteem roller coaster that is young adult life: budgeting woes, cramps, the nuances of sweater theft, and the joy of staying home all day with a box of pizza. All aboard.  (Summary and cover courtesy of


This book was great! It’s a light, quick read that has fantastic insights into day-to-day life and it’s a pretty great change of pace for anyone who is looking for a pick-me-up.  The reason that I love Sarah’s Scribbles is because she’s a fangirl, awkward, and an introvert who loves people like so many of us.  Some of her comments around books keep me laughing and thinking about long after.  I’d highly recommend this too anyone who doesn’t take life too seriously and enjoys a good observation.

Rating: 5 stars!

Who should read it? Anyone looking for a fun pick me up!

Want to read the whole series?

  • Adulthood Is a Myth (Sarah’s Scribble’s #1)

  • Herding Cats (Sarah’s Scribbles #3)


Catherine House


The Happiness Project